Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pondering Life - Are you allowing distractions in your life?

When what you are doing does not further you in the will of the Lord, it is a distraction.

When you are not operating in a mindset that is within the Lord's will, you are being distracted from the Lord's will for your life. If you are experiencing stress, fear, frustration, anger, or some other emotion that is not of God, you are allowing Satan to distract you from focusing on and growing in God's will.

Focus on God, and His will for your life. Do not let Satan distract you from accomplishing God's plan and purpose in your life.

When you find yourself overwhelmed, just stop and breathe, and realize this is not what God has for you, this is from your enemy. Rebuke it, focus on God and His plan for you, and move forward towards your destiny!

This is what the Lord spoke to me the other day as I came out of our "junk room" feeling panicky, stressed, and overwhelmed at the prospect of going through it all and getting rid of it all because we are moving in 5 1/2 months to a place that I will not be able take it with me to. (Thank God!)

I realized as the Lord brought to my attention that I was at that very moment giving in to the enemy's game of trying to control my life with stress and negative emotions.

Panicky feelings and stress are not part of God's plan for my life, or anyone else's! I realized that I was being distracted by Satan and his emotional games, and it was stopping me from going forward in my life with the plan that the Lord has spoken to me.

I now choose to refuse to bow to the enemy, and instead I choose God's will, to go forward with His plan for my life. I challenge you to examine your emotions and make some life changing choices in your own life! My prayers are with you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so what is keeping you from giving stuff away, or even throwing it away? if you will have a complete life style change in 5 months, and if i might add, one that is what you are longing for, why not start that lifestyle right here, right now? how much stuff are you going to be living with in costa rica? how much money will you be living off of in costa rica? what will you eat in costa rica? why not embrace all of this before you even go and then the "culture shock" wont be as severe and you will be preparing yourself in the process. seems like a win-win situation to me.