Sunday, April 6, 2014

"Self Acceptance and Self Love" how do they fit in with the Life in Christ?

"The moment we accept ourselves as we are is the moment we can change.  That is the moment where everything can shift." Quote from Nick Ortner.  

Translation - When we hate or dislike who we are, or how we act or feel, we are in a place of rebellion to the Lord because we are rejecting His feelings and love for us.  We become a victim to our circumstances, actions or feelings and we become locked into a place of negativity surrounding a circumstance or event in our lives that we have no power over.  

"Self Acceptance" from the viewpoint of accepting God's unfailing love for us instead of "Self Love" is the key to healing.  The premise of accepting ourselves and our shortcomings and failures allows us to take responsibility for the way we are and the way we feel.  Therefore giving us the freedom to change the way we think about ourselves, therefore the possibility to change our actions and reactions to circumstances in our lives.  

When we feel like a victim, or use it as an excuse not to move forward in our lives we become stuck and feel defeated.   We are powerless to move forward into what God has for us and wonder why the things God has promised us are not coming to pass.  

It is because we all have issues that we do not know how to deal with.  Yes, we all have some issues, every one of us.  Even the "successful" pastors, evangelists or missionaries.  Yet somehow it seems to us they are moving forward and are able accomplish God's work for His kingdom.  What is stopping us?  

When you realize the truth of the fact that God loves you, as you are - failures and all, and accept that fact as truth, you can then allow yourself to choose your actions, thoughts and feelings about yourself.  

Have you ever had a habit that you wanted to kick  or something that you wanted to change how you react to but just feel stuck and powerless?  The more you try to change the situation the more frustrated you feel about it and actually create more negative feelings about yourself surrounding it.  

I challenge you to take responsibility for the negative habit or reaction you are trying to change.  Ask yourself "In what way have I made this 'thing' my friend?  What benefit do I get out of continuing this negative action?"  Be honest with yourself!  

When you find the true reason why you are holding onto the 'thing' you would like to get rid of, take responsibility for holding on to it and forgive yourself for doing so.  Ask God to forgive you and accept his forgiveness and love for you.  You will find a new found power to 'act' instead of 'react' when faced with the situation you are trying to change.  

You will need to replace the negative thoughts and feelings about yourself with the truth of the fact that God created you and loves you as you are.  He is the one who gives us the ability to change and to become more Christ like as is His will for us.  We have to be willing and open to follow Him and learn His ways to do so.

Hence the act of "renewing our minds" which involves giving up our naturally built in "self preservation" goal that the "fight or flight" reaction we have unconsciously to every circumstance in our lives stems from.  We view everything and judge it through our "fight or flight" automatic reaction.  We have to realize this and take responsibility for the choices that we have made and allow God to come in and change our way of thinking.  We have to allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Food for thought:

Food for thought:  Have you ever thought about what would and would not be enough for you at the end of your life? 

What you have done/are doing in your lifetime?  Is it enough for you to look back at the end of your life and feel like you have fulfilled your calling/purpose?  What  have you set aside to do someday that you could start working towards today?

I just had a very rude awakening a few minutes ago - the thought overwhelmed me that if I left this earth, would I be satisfied with what I have accomplished with my life so far?  The answer for me is a resounding "NO".

So I guess I better get working on the things that matter most to me today!