Monday, October 31, 2011

Is CONTROL in the life of a disciple of Christ, a good thing or a bad thing? What makes it good or bad?

I noticed the word is "Control" - not "self - control".  

If the Control is over others, then, no, it is manipulation, which is witchcraft. 

If the Control is over situations or circumstances, I think it is a false control, because while we have authority over those things that we can line up in Gods will, we cannot control anything else just for the sake of control itself. To think we are in control of anything is misleading, we are deceived. We have to allow God to be in control of things. 

Self-control is of course a good discipline. God requires this for us to be able to serve Him fully. I think we need a lot of "self - control" for God to put in in "Control" over other things. We have to prove that we can be trusted. 

We also need to know our limitations, and be able to trust God to take us beyond those limitations.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pondering Life - Where do I belong?

Everyone wants to feel like : we belong to a group, we are a member of a team, or we are a part of a family. We want to feel "important" to someone. This is what makes us tick as human beings, this is what drives us as a species to fill the void and seek to answer the dreaded question "Where do I belong?".

I have heard people say that we should not seek man's approval, or desire to fit in, but instead we should seek only God's approval and love. I agree, we should not seek man's approval, and God's purpose should be very important to us, but God has created us with the insatiable desire to "fit in" somewhere. Finding "where" we belong is the God given driving force inside us to venture outside of our comfort zone to join a group, church, workplace, or simply to make a new friend. It is a force that can affect how we feel about ourselves, leaving us feeling fulfilled or lonely. If there is no place for us in a group we are not going to stay connected or committed to it.

This is why people seek to become part of a church. It is imperative that churches learn how to help people feel like they "belong" to the group. Whether it is in the position of church attender, volunteer worker, or staff member, we need to feel like we are a part of the "team" or a "family" member. If the american church does not learn how to do this it will soon be empty. People will seek out a group of friends that will make them feel important and loved. I hope the church wakes up to this realization and implements the idea of belonging before we completely lose the next generation.

When I walk into a church service and no one bothers to say hello to me or even smile at me, I feel like I should not bother to even come back again, no one seems to care or noticed that I was there in the first place. This has happened to me time and time again in churches that I have attended for many years at a time. Frankly I am tired of it, I know other people feel the same way I do.

Some successful businesses seem to have this concept of group down. They try to make the workplace have a "team" or "family" atmosphere. They know that if a person feels important they are much more apt to do a better job and be more committed and loyal to the workplace. It is just a part of how we are wired as humans, how the Great Creator wired us to be.

This is what I am looking for - a "team" to belong to, a "family" that treats me as an important member who is valued. I belong to God, and yes, I have found all of my purpose, importance, and value in God, but I still have an inbred desire to "feel like I belong" to His people.

Maybe you feel the same way I do, don't give up, don't stop looking. You will find that place where you belong too. God has a purpose and a place for you in this world, I promise you.