Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pondering Life - Finding Our Way Through the “Dark”

We all have to find our way through the “dark”, the “dark” being this world.

It is dark because man chose separation from God at the fall of mankind in the beginning of time. Jesus is the light, the only true light. There are many false lights, little lights, or light wannabe’s. When we surrender out lives to the true Light, Jesus, then some of the darkness in our lives is abolished as light destroys and replaces darkness, but we still have to navigate the light through the remaining darkness in the world. Only at the end of time will there be no more darkness.

Therefore even as dedicated, mature Christians following the Lord, we have to find our way through the “dark”. It is much clearer, the path of light, if we are open to the Lord and follow His light, but sometimes we have to seek and discern which direction His light is leading us. This is a natural response to following the lighted path in this dark world. This is what we have been commanded to do – seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened to you.

Following the lighted path is not automatic and it is not always cut and dry and clear. Sometimes it is even challenging or difficult. It requires persistence, determination, patience and resolve. Persistence and determination to keep seeking, asking and knocking. Patience and resolve to stand firm and believe what the Lord and His word has spoken to you.

This is the sum of our daily walk as a “follower of Jesus”, a disciple, a true Christian.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pondering Life - 2 Questions

2 Questions:
Missions. I love how your passion for it leads people straight to the Lord. But Can I ask you two things? how did you know exactly what you are called you to do and how Did you know when your husband was the one for you?

My answer:

First of all, God calls us to serve Him, that means the details of what we are doing change a lot because He is alive and new every day. So finding out what you are “called” to can be a seasonal thing. That is called to one thing now, and another thing next year. We are all “called” to serve God fully with all of our hearts all of the time. This is our true calling, and in this calling of relationship with God He directs our paths for us to do what is completely and wholly fulfilling to us – that is fulfilling the “call of God” on our lives. God puts passions in our hearts as to what our callings are. Not just what moves your heart, but what you really feel a passion for. A lot of things move us, because we are emotional beings, but certain things really, really speak to us, and we get on fire about certain things when we are exposed to them or think about them.

I knew I was called to missions because of the overwhelming emotions and desires I have when confronted with people or stories of people from other cultures. It burns in me to the point where I cannot control my emotions at all. I have an intense desire to travel to other countries and help them come to know Christ better. Even though the modern day church teaches that we are not to be run by our emotions, God can definitely speak to us through these emotions, after all, He created us this way.

As far as finding your calling, just pray and ask God to lead you, and always be open to his leading. It may seem He is saying to do one thing, or go to one place, and then when you get there He may lead you to another. This does not mean you have missed God, it just means that you are actively following Him. He doesn’t typically tell us things too far in advance. This helps to keep us seeking Him and more willing to trust Him on a daily basis. Let Him open the doors of opportunity for you, He will bring His will to pass in your life, you just have to keep following His cues to take the right path He is leading you down.

As far as how I knew my husband was the one for me there are several basic principles that I use to make all of the major decisions in my life to make sure that they are God lead. God always confirms His word and will to us, usually at least 3 different times. If you don’t have any confirmations, I would really question the decision.

God confirms things through:
1. PEACE - God is the author of PEACE! Never confusion. If you have peace about a situation you are within the Lords reign, if you have any confusion about it at all, run from it, it is not of God. (I thought about what my life would be like in the future with my husband and without, and I had no peace without him in my life.)
2. Parents and spiritual authority above us (my mom loved him, and his parents loved me)
3. Prophetic words and revelations and dreams and visions. (I actually had gotten a prophetic word describing his physical appearance to the tee!)
4. Godly counsel and wisdom from friends (people who knew us well said we were a good couple) 5. Circumstances – physical doors opening and shutting, things happening in our lives. (our vision and callings were the same – missions and evangelism/discipleship).

I hope this helps, just keep seeking God, and learn to walk in patience and love. God is never in a rush, He does things on His own perfect timing. We have waited for 20 years to finally launch out onto the mission field. I wish it could have been sooner, but I am glad that we have been in God’s timing, because now I know that it really is God and not just my idea. Follow Him, and He will bless you!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pondering Life - Are we too comfortable?

Are we too comfortable? Written by Bill Robinson

What if God asked us to be weird? What if He asked us to be “flaky”? Would we? I mean, we attend “contemporary” churches that seem to have “matured” beyond the quirky chorus singing, charismatic two-step dancing ways of the early Charismatic/Pentecostal church. We have become normal, “seeker friendly” churches where the unsaved can feel comfortable until they decide whether or not they want the salvation that Jesus has to offer. I guess this is a good thing – or is it?

Are we not supposed to be different? I mean, if our church is so comfortable to the unsaved, why should they feel the need to change? I understand the need to draw people in so that they can hear the good news, but shouldn’t people know that we are different from the rock concerts they attend to get a good feeling? Are only the lyrics to be different?

I am reminded of some prophets in the Old Testament whom God told to do some pretty weird things to get people’s attention. I wonder if God told us to do those weird things, would we? In one of the many churches I have attended recently, I was told about someone who wanted to worship God by waving banners (in the back of the church so as not to distract others). Now in my understanding, waving banners is a form of worship mentioned in the Bible; however, she was told to stop. The reason was not given but she was told, “This will not happen in MY church”. I guess it wasn’t fashionable. Have we become so fashionable or trendy that we will limit true worship? Are we not allowed to dance before the Lord anymore either?

I have studied church history a little and have noticed some trends. Almost every major denomination has had the fire of God present at one time in their services. But we humans have a tendency to not be comfortable in the power or presence of God (where His presence is, His power is also).

Exodus 20: 18-21 – When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die." Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning." The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.

The tendency throughout church history has been to schedule and structure God right out of our services. Oh, it’s OK to allow Him a little time to feel His presence so we still know He is around, but those weird things make us uncomfortable. The gifts tend to be removed because they make “seekers” – or us – uncomfortable. Will the Charismatics/Pentecostals eventually drop the use of the gifts in church services because they make us uncomfortable? Are we too comfortable?

1 Peter 2:9 (NIV) – But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.

We are a:
1. Chosen people – PICKED by God to be different
2. Royal priesthood – POSITIONED by God to be different
3. Holy nation – PARTITIONED by God to be different
4. People belonging to God – POSSESSED by God to be different
…so that we may declare the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light

Dare we to be different?

Sometimes I wonder…